Dr. Michael Duggan, Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC) and Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC) is a Professor and a Counselor for Students with Disabilities at College of DuPage (COD), where he is well known for his expertise and his passion for empowering students with disabilities. In his twelve years at COD he has helped establish the Vocational Skills Program, a program for students with developmental disabilities, and Autismerica, a social/support group for students on the autism spectrum. He has also been awarded COD’s Outstanding Divisional Faculty of the Year, Outstanding Academic Advisor of the Year (twice), and Outstanding Club Advisor of the Year for his work on Autismerica.
Before coming to COD, he directed the second largest college Disability Services program in Oregon at Chemeketa Community College and was elected as President of the Oregon Association of Higher Education and Disability (ORAHEAD), advocating for equality and improved services for college students with disabilities. His first published book is titled, “First Class Support for College Students on the Autism Spectrum: Practical Advice for College Counselors and Educators”, by Jessica Kingsley Publishing.
Dissertation: Improving Services for Students with Disabilities at Community Colleges by Michael Duggan (National Louis University, 2010)
Autismerica Group Helps Students Gain Confidence, Socialize Amongst Peers (My Suburban Life, 2012)
Autismerica Celebrates Second Successful Year at College of DuPage (Daily Herald, 2013)
Autismerica Continues to Impact Lives (Chicago Tribune, 2015)
Video: Center for Access and Accommodation Presents: Autismerica (College of DuPage, 2015)
Jessica Kingsley Presents: Dr. Michael Duggan (JKP Publishing, 2016)
First Class Support for College Students on the Autism Spectrum Facebook Page (2017)
Amazon.com purchase page and reviews for First Class Support for College Students on the Autism Spectrum (Amazon.com, 2017)
COD Starts Program for the Developmentally Disabled: Interview with Project COACH Founder Michael Duggan (Daily Herald, 2017)
Dr. Michael Duggan Presents: Autism and College Success (Glenbard Speaker Series, 2018)
When Autism Goes to College (Daily Herald, 2018)
Video: Dr. Michael Duggan Speaks to WGN Morning News about Autismerica and College Success (WGN News, 2018)
Dr. Michael Duggan Speaks to Westmont Library about Practical Advice for Those with Autism (Daily Bugle, 2019)
College of DuPage Transition Commons Enhances Resources for DuPage County Students with Disabilities (Daily Herald, 2019)
College of DuPage COACH Program Graduates First Cohort Program Provides Valuable Resources for Developmentally Disabled Students (Chicago Tribune, 2019)